Remember high school and college? You saw the same people every day and always had some sort of "interaction". Of course some of those interactions where unpleasant - as was the case on several occasions during junior high school. I do remember one particular occasion when a certain kid named "Bart" decided that I was not the kind of scum that deserved to walk on the same side walk as he. That one "interaction" led to animosity between he and I for the rest of our high school years. Probably one of the reasons that high school reunions are held in a public place.
And yet still I pine.
Whatever happened to so-and-so, or I wonder what how-ya-callit is doing now with her life. I did think that Facebook would be a partial answer to this middle-aged quandary, but the disconnectedness of not having an ongoing conversation, results in people talking and no one listening. What I have found is that I reconnect over FB, have a two sentence conversation, and then the posting, liking, commenting cycle starts. This process continues until, well, you know... We've all done it so don't get all huffy on me now!
I tried that Facebook thing for a couple of years and realized that it was just a huge waste of time and energy. I also discovered that those previous relationships that I pined to re-establish, well, there was a reason that they ended. No one wants to see the dark underbelly of a persons psyche that has been despoiled by 30+ years of life having its way with them. That "what don't kill you makes you stronger" theory of life, I have discovered, is kinda bull shit.
Recently, I have taken to reconnecting with a few people face to face. This seems to be a little more satisfying, in that we have a conversation and reminisce. Reminiscing seems to be more prescriptive and healing. Maybe someone needs to develop a web application that is less Facebook-ish, and more Reminisce-with-me-ish. An application where we are forced to share stories, since after all, man has been sharing stories since the dawn of time. Maybe sitting around a virtual campfire, eating raw meat and banging broken animal bones on the ground while sharing a cave drawing or two might be palliative.
As always I'll end this post with a pithy quote, a poem or a song.
Everybody's talking at me I don't hear a word they're sayin' Only the echoes of my mind
All content copyright of Christopher Hammond
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