Monday, April 8, 2013

Punch it, Marge

Watching the tube this morning and all of the reminiscences regarding Margaret Thatcher. I tried to recall what I knew about the woman. Not a pretty woman, strange hair, and someone that the Monty Python boys loved to lampoon. I also recall the stink she raised when we invaded Granada. At the time, a large group of US medical students were attending medical school in Granada. We had to send a flotilla of marines to the island to rescue them from the Coup D'etat that had occurred. My recollection is that there was a misogynistic carouser running the despotic country and that the citizenry had gotten quite huffy about his behavior.

The recollection is a bit fuzzy, so all of you history students will need to forgive me. The reason I bring this all up is that my daughter is also a medical student on one of those islands down there. Hopefully there is no despotic leader on that island that needs his ass kicked by the US Marine Corp - HUA!! Don't make me come down there!
All content copyright of Christopher Hammond

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