Saturday, April 13, 2013

On Forgiveness

How far is the east from the west? However far that is, at least a few kilometers, is the distance that God is supposed to be able to separate us from our mistakes, sins, faux paux, and boo boos. We as humans have a great deal of trouble doing that when it comes to other people.

I'm still pissed about a guy that screwed me over on fixing my garage floor. I take every opportunity to curse his name and would gladly give him the stink eye if I saw him in Walmart. I have been told by others, that I should release this pent up anger and forgive. Unfortunately, I love to roll in it like a dog rolling on a dead skunk. I probably would get some sense of relief if I put it in God's hands and let him exact his justice. I should probably just gather it all up and say "stupid is as stupid does" or as my bass playing buddy says "let a fool be a fool".

Nah - that's just crazy talk.
All content copyright of Christopher Hammond

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