Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bombs? Really?

This must be the age of the bomb. We have already had a Unabomber; suicide bombers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan; Oklahoma City; plane bombs of all types; embassy bombings; and now the marathon bomber. I just do not get it. What is accomplished by blowing others up? What is accomplished by blowing yourself up?

I am talking to the bomber now - so put down that wad of C4 and pay attention. It seems to me that the only things that are accomplished are that you kill or maim a few people that have nothing to do with what you were pissed about in the first place. You also piss off a bunch more people that were not even aware that you existed. In the worst case, you actually blow yourself up by mistake.

I must assume that you are blowing people up because you want something to change. What could that be? The only thing that has changed is that you now have an exponentially larger group of people that want to kick your ass than you had before the bomb went off.

So I must ask - why would someone want more people mad at them? Could it be that they want to leave a lasting legacy for all of their friends and family? "Yeah, good old Joe, he sure was a great guy. Too bad he blowed hisself up, maiming 10 innocent people. He sure will be missed."


Myself, I would rather be fondly remembered.
All content copyright of Christopher Hammond

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